Thursday, April 14, 2016

Where have you been?!

Cleaning, organizing, taxes, hiding my puppy, working - working - working, trying to get some sleep. And repeat.

A few things happened this week that have encouraged me make "new years resolutions" in the middle of April.

#1 - Don't wait until the last minute to compile your data & info for tax purposes. Keep your electronic records updated no less than monthly; better yet if you can, do it weekly. I had piles of receipts and mileage log books to enter to get my data for filing. I have not appreciated sitting at a computer for 12 + hours a day solid trying to play catch-up... Especially when you have 3 businesses to tend to... RESOLUTION: get this shit organized and kept up monthly.

#2 - While cleaning I found about 2 & 1/2 months of my Metformin! We hardly ever eat 3 meals a day and I'm suppose to take it 3x a day and it was on auto renew. So I'm back on my Metformin for the IRPCOS but i really need to be back on my Provera (synthetic progesterone aka medroxy-progesterone) too and that leads to... RESOLUTION: I need to find a way to go see my doctor because things are not the way they're suppose to be and I'm having issues.

In general I just need to get back on track... with work, with my health... everything. It looks like we might have finally found a buyer for the APA so that will help cut out a lot of stress and we'll be down to just the paper routes & Maverick's part-time day job which he's going to go back to full-time once our evenings are free again.

We're experiencing one other hiccup in our plans and may have to either move or try and buy our RV before we're ready... the a/c wasn't working and we called the landlord to have it fixed. He stopped by after the technician left and sure enough... Ella was barking and going crazy at the door. He called us out on having an animal we're not suppose to have and now it seems like we may be screwed. We haven't been served a notice yet. But I can tell you one thing: we really can't afford to move right now. And I really don't wanna give my dog-daughter away. This we have done to ourselves. Yes, we are in the wrong... but just dammit, man!

Well, the receipts are calling my name. Almost done with it all so we can file our taxes. 

Until next time...

**update ... I've went back and corrected my medications for this post & previous posts. It's so natural for me just to say progesterone but it's actually Provera which is synthetic progesterone aka medroxy-progesterone... While they are similar they have very different affects on the body.

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