Friday, April 22, 2016

Sailing the High Seas to Mexico!

Yesterday we left off with him asking for my dad's permission to marry me and our trip to Florida for me to meet his mom for the 1st time. Today we're gonna skip ahead a few years to our first (and so far only) Cruise to Mexico and then tomorrow we're gonna visit the day he officially popped the question... Enjoy!!

Day 1... The Voyage to New Orleans
New Orleans is where our cruise ship awaited us!! Of course it rained on us the entire way there. We left home shortly after Maverick got off work and we ended up in a hotel for a few hours before finishing off the drive to NOLA.
Day 2... 1st Day aboard the Carnival Elation - A Day at Sea
I was so nervous!! I had never been on a cruise before - never been out of the country before! I had my passport, didn't wear anything metal, etc. I was so nervous lol but we made it through boarding just fine and found our cabin. We spent the rest of the day watching the world float by as we sailed down the Mississippi river to the ocean. I think we walked that boat 100x if not more.

Day 3... A Day at Sea - The Captain's Dinner
We had so much fun walking around and people watching! Maverick treated me to getting my hair cut & colored. The captain's dinner was FANTASTIC. I didn't even know it was happening but thankfully brought my trusty dress - just in case. I am very thankful I didn't get motion sick; I use to get carsick all the time as a kid and anytime I've been on a boat I get queezy but YAY for not sickness. That was also the day they had the photographers everywhere. I REALLY WISH we had bought at least one...

Day 4... docked in Port of Progresso - visited Uxmal Mayan Ruins Yucatan Peninsula
Getting TO the ruins was quite scary as there was armored guards EVERYWHERE along the roads and some of the "towns" we went through to get there -- utterly heartbreaking the conditions they live in. Once we arrived though... Words can not describe the beauty and these pictures hold no justice to the magnificence of the ruins. If I uploaded everything it would be well over 1,000 photos - no joke! From the vegetation, lizards, to the ruins themselves and all the tiny little details... I was in complete and utter awe. I've always wanted to visit Mayan ruins and I was able to finally cross it off that never ending bucket list! When we got back to port we relaxed on the deck before & after dinner while tending to my sunburn *ouch*.

Day 5... docked in Cozumel Mexico - SNUBA Diving
If I wasn't already a little burned from the Mayan Ruins hike then I was sure to get sunburned being under water for hours... But that didn't stop us from shopping afterwards!! We shopped until we dropped at the Port of Cozumel. Earings, Necklaces, cute sundresses... I got spoiled that day!!

Day 6... A Day at Sea - Relaxation
Having two days of constant go go go go I was ready for a day of waves and relaxation. We took in comedy shows and sat on the deck (in the shade) just soaking in the relaxation. It was a perfect day of just being together.
Day 7... the Voyage Home
We were actually able to enjoy the scenery on the way home because it finally stopped raining -- oh, btw, it rained during all of our sea days so that made it really humid and sticky but didn't stop us from having fun... We talked and dreamed of doing a cruise a year no matter what... 3 years later we still haven't full filled that dream HOWEVER, we are getting our priorities for US on track and soon hope to make those dreams a reality.

This post is the 6th in a series of posts that will chronicle milestones and anniversaries. We're coming up on our 5th year Wedding Anniversary & this summer marks 10 years of our relationship officially beginning... I hope you enjoy!!

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