Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The One In Which He Meets Her Family

Yesterday we left off with Maverick & I moving into the Condo, meeting new people and getting settled in. I had mentioned in there that we made a quick trip to Arkansas on Memorial Day Weekend to get my stuff out of storage. While we were there he met my family for the 1st time... This is how it all went down.

I guess you could say the trip started off fairly well. Even though we were in the middle of rush hour traffic starting off because Maverick got off work later than expected.

There were moments when Drake was not being a good rider and until we figured out the different meanings of his cries, it was pretty rough. We realized he hates to travel at night and that's why he always cried and yelled when I took him on trips: the boy hates to ride at night and I always drove long trips at night to avoid traffic.

Maverick and I took turns driving/sleeping on the way to Arkansas. I didn't get much sleep because of Drake needed my constant attention -- Maverick wouldn't work -- wanted his mommy.

Friday morning when we arrived my nieces by my bonus-brother King were at the house waiting for the school bus... (There was a short period of time that King lived in Arkansas with wife#1 & their 3 daughters; most of the time the girls were dropped off to catch the bus because of their parent's work hours...) After that it was visiting time with my Parents. My bonus-sister Pebbles stopped by a little later and her and Momma went to run errands so Maverick and I decided to make a run to the storage unit and then visit my grandparents on Mother's side. We had a nice visit with my grandparents and we ran into one of Mother's Sisters that was there visiting as well. Grandpa said "I approve" when he hugged me bye -- which was awesome!

Saturday we got up early and unloaded the storage shed. After that was finished we headed out to Cabbot and explored where he grew up... We drove all over the place and he even took me by the land that use to have their house on it. After our visit to Cabbot we went back to Daddy's and rested up and treated Momma & Daddy to dinner.

Later that evening after dinner, we decided to go bowling and my sister Gaia came with us. Well, after overpriced bowling and not finding any balls that we could decently bowl with we decided not to bowl and instead headed to visit with Gaia at her house where Maverick & Aeon played Halo while I got to catch-up with my sister. We got home really late and crashed.

Sunday morning I woke up to Grace calling me and she came over and hung out with us while Daddy & Momma were at church. After they got back from Church we all met out at a local place & had lunch. I think that is the first time that we were all been together at one table in a very very long time. There was Gaia & Aeon, Pebbles & her family, Maverick & I and King with his family. I know it made Momma & Daddy very happy to have all of us together for a wonderful lunch. I'm so very happy that I suggested we do that... I *really* wish I had gotten pictures.

After lunch we rested up and visited with my parents some more at their house and then we headed out back to Illinois. We stopped off at Russell Stovers and got matching bears...

Everyone loved Maverick and he seemed to like my family. We started discussing moving to Cabbot because we decided that we didn't want to live in Chicago-Land or Illinois the rest of our lives.

It was so nice to eat dinner together at the table instead of on the couch and our little home finally felt completed with the added furniture and knick-knacks that I had in storage.

This first road trip to Arkansas became the inaugural trip and we have went down every Memorial Weekend since.

We got a harness for Drake so he could stretch and stuff during pit stops. He loved being on his harness and wallowing in the grass.

This post is the 4th in a series of posts that will chronicle milestones and anniversaries. We're coming up on our 5th year Wedding Anniversary & this summer marks 10 years of our relationship officially beginning... I hope you enjoy!!

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